Oct 30, 2024 • 3 min read

Positive change in data protection - a success story of the BfDi
In today's data protection landscape, audits and advisory visits play a crucial role. They are essential not only for maintaining standards but also offer organizations a valuable opportunity to enhance their understanding and practices around data protection. The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) emphasizes the importance of these visits, which provide a direct insight into data processing practices and thus ensure an immediate assessment of the actual procedures. These visits contribute to the change in how organizations approach data protection, creating a positive story of continuous improvement and commitment to safeguarding privacy.
Through these direct on-site interventions, the BfDI can specifically address particular or general data protection issues affecting organizations. It is particularly noteworthy that each audit comes with an advisory service, highlighting that the focus is not solely on monitoring but also on promoting privacy-friendly handling of personal data. This proactive approach helps organizations better assess their processes continuously for compliance with data protection.
The BfDI makes considerable efforts to carry data protection to the field and be present on-site. This includes targeted audits of large companies due to indications of data protection deficits, as well as a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises and various regions to achieve a broad impact. Especially in the postal sector, where many regional companies operate, it is ensured that data protection regulations are complied with, regardless of company size.
These audit and advisory appointments are essential and provide a significant anchor point for responsible entities to conduct their internal reviews. Companies are encouraged to ask themselves: Where do we stand in data protection? What can we do better? An audit can confirm that an organization is well-positioned and that the investment in data protection has paid off. Almost all audits are perceived as helpful by the audited entities in retrospect.
The goal of these visits is to foster a culture of data protection awareness and improvement within organizations. They are not just a tool for compliance with legal requirements but also a precursor to this culture. The BfDI aims to be a strong advisory partner for businesses, focusing on raising awareness and improving the status quo.
These approaches clearly demonstrate that audits and advisory visits play a central role in data protection. They offer the opportunity to improve data protection practices and develop a deeper understanding of the significance and implementation of data protection. It is time to recognize the importance of these visits and appreciate their positive impact on the culture of data protection awareness in organizations. The use of audits and advisory visits shows that the path to effective data protection is not only through regulation and monitoring but also through education, advice, and support. These visits are a chance to open dialogues, clear up misunderstandings, and jointly develop solutions that prioritize the protection of personal data.
Experience shows that many organizations recognize the value of data protection and are eager to improve their practices. They see the audits and advisory services of the BfDI not only as a review of their compliance but also as an opportunity to benefit from expert knowledge and further develop their data protection measures. This positive approach helps build a trusting relationship between the BfDI and the organizations, creating a foundation for continuous improvements in data protection.
The proactive role of the BfDI in promoting privacy-friendly handling of personal data goes beyond the boundaries of traditional regulatory authorities. It reflects an understanding that effective data protection in today's digitalized world requires a joint effort by all stakeholders. The advice and support from the BfDI help organizations perceive data protection as an integral part of their corporate culture and as a continuous process of improvement.
Moreover, the BfDI's approach emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about data protection issues. Through educational initiatives and public discourse, the BfDI helps to sharpen awareness of data protection issues across society. This work is crucial to ensuring that every individual knows their rights and is capable of effectively exercising them.
In conclusion, the audit and advisory visits of the BfDI are an essential tool for improving and strengthening data protection in practice. They show that data protection is not a rigid requirement but a dynamic practice that requires flexibility, adaptability, and above all, cooperation. The BfDI's approach demonstrates that data protection and privacy-friendly innovations can go hand in hand, for the benefit of all citizens and society as a whole.
How do you view the role of audits and advisory visits in your organization? What experiences have you had with these tools, and what impact have they had on your data protection practices?