Oct 11, 2024 • 1 min read

Freedom of Information: A Pillar of Democracy
Freedom of information is a essential pillar of democratic societies. It enables citizens to make informed decisions and actively participate in shaping their community. The recent activity report of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) highlights the unwavering efforts to strengthen and protect this fundamental right.
A key element to promote freedom of information is the demand for a Federal Transparency Act. Such a law would consolidate freedom of information and environmental information into a single statute, establish proactive disclosure obligations, and create an electronic transparency portal. This portal would allow citizens to access official information without having to disclose personal data.
The BfDI has formulated ten core demands for the Federal Transparency Act. These include, among others, the modernization of the existing Freedom of Information Act (IFG), the introduction of comprehensive proactive disclosure obligations, the establishment of an electronic transparency portal, and the adaptation of the IFG's protective provisions to the citizen-friendly provisions of the Environmental Information Act (UIG).
Additionally, particular emphasis was placed in the reporting year on the establishment and expansion of advisory networks and participation in international bodies. These measures aim to promote exchange and cooperation at both national and international levels and to benefit from the expertise of others.
The 7th Specialist Symposium on Freedom of Information, organized by the BfDI, provided a platform for exchange on the law and practice of freedom of information. One of the thematic focuses was the experience with transparency laws, which, in addition to access to information on request, also prescribe proactive disclosure obligations on a government-operated portal for a wide range of categories of information.
The commitment of the BfDI and the proposed measures clearly demonstrate how important open access to information is for a vibrant and strong democracy. The proposed legislation and the initiatives undertaken reflect the commitment to transparency and openness as guiding principles of administrative action, without disclosing personal data.