Cinthia Trevisoli
Jan 12, 2024 • 1 min read

NIS2 Directive: What small and medium-sized companies should pay attention to
In the digital era, cybersecurity is critical for businesses of all sizes. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the European Union's new NIS2 directive brings with it special challenges and responsibilities. In this article we discuss why it is essential for SMEs to understand and implement the requirements of the NIS2 Directive.
1. Applicability of NIS2 Directive:
The NIS2 Directive, an extension of the EU Network and Information Systems Security Directive, aims to ensure a high common level of security for network and information systems in the EU. It primarily affects medium and large companies, but SMEs should consider whether they fall within the scope due to their size, market share or role in the supply chain. This review is critical to ensuring your business complies with legal requirements.
2. Dealing with resource limitations:
SMEs often face the challenge of implementing comprehensive cybersecurity measures with limited resources. It is therefore important to identify efficient and cost-effective security solutions that both meet the requirements of the NIS2 directive and protect the company from cyber threats.
3.Customer expectations and business partners:
SMEs often have to meet the expectations of their customers and the requirements of their business partners when it comes to cybersecurity. NIS2 compliance can therefore be a crucial factor in strengthening existing business relationships and attracting new customers. This is especially true when SMEs are part of a larger supply chain and their partners demand strict security standards.
4. Advice and support:
Given the complexity of the NIS2 Directive and the ever-changing cyber threat landscape, SMEs should consider seeking external advice or government support. This can help ensure policy compliance while improving your cybersecurity levels.
It is crucial for SMEs to take the requirements of the NIS2 Directive seriously and take proactive measures to comply with them. SMEs must pay attention to not only protecting against cyber threats, but also to strengthening business relationships and increasing trust among customers and partners. By taking a strategic approach and leveraging available resources, SMEs can meet the challenges of the NIS2 Directive and strengthen their position in an increasingly connected world.