Feb 27, 2025 • 2 min read

Use Case: IT Managed Services - Password concept
As part of the introduction of IT Managed Services, a customer planned to implement a password management concept to enhance the security of their IT infrastructure. By implementing such a concept, they ensured that access to systems was strictly controlled and unauthorized access was prevented. This proactive measure helped the customer comply with security policies like NIS2.
Problem Statement:
The customer had not previously implemented a structured password management concept, making their IT infrastructure more vulnerable to unauthorized access and potential security breaches. Without a secure password management system, there was a risk of data leaks, unauthorized changes, or even data loss. Given the increasing threats in cybersecurity, it was crucial for the customer to implement such a concept to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their data.
Solution Approach:
The IT Managed Services implementation project was conducted with careful planning and phased steps:
Step 1: Needs Analysis and Planning
- A thorough needs analysis was conducted to understand the exact requirements and goals regarding a secure password management concept. This included identifying weaknesses in the existing password management system and assessing the current security practices within the company.
- Based on these insights, a detailed plan for implementing a secure password management concept was developed. The policy covered both internal employee passwords and those used for the IT infrastructure managed by the IT service provider.
- A minimum standard of 16 characters for passwords with a validity of 6 months was established. Passwords for the IT infrastructure were managed exclusively by the IT service provider and stored in a secure database environment. Access was secured and restricted through Active Directory authentication and two-factor authentication.
Step 2: Selection of an Appropriate Process
- The password management policies were selected and implemented. This included setting password policies regarding complexity, length, and change frequency, as well as introducing tools to monitor and enforce these policies.
- The IT service provider monitored compliance with the policies and provided monthly reports and a live dashboard.
Step 3: Implementation and Testing
- The implementation included training employees in best practices in password management and introducing new policies. Training sessions, workshops, and informational materials were provided to raise awareness of the importance of such policies and promote acceptance.
- All users were encouraged to change their existing passwords to more secure alternatives. Passwords were not stored directly on the server but in a separate area to add additional layers of security.
Step 4: Monitoring and Continuous Improvement
- The password management system was continuously monitored to ensure compliance with the policies and to identify and address potential weaknesses. This included regular reviews of the password policies, monitoring of password changes, and evaluation of security logs.
- Based on these insights, continuous improvements were made to the password management concept to further enhance security and adapt to changing threat landscapes.
Achieved Benefits:
The implementation of a secure password management concept brought significant benefits:
- Increased Security: A strict password management concept reduced the risk of unauthorized access and protected the confidentiality and integrity of company data.
- Better Compliance Management: Compliance with security policies like NIS2 was improved, minimizing liability risks and strengthening the trust of customers and partners.
- Proactive Security Culture: Training and awareness measures promoted a proactive security culture, where employees actively contributed to ensuring the security of the IT infrastructure.
This use case demonstrates how the customer, through the implementation of a password management concept in collaboration with an IT service provider, strengthened the security and integrity of their IT infrastructure. By proactively implementing best security practices, potential risks were minimized, and business operations were made more secure.